Bile Malaysia Nak Ikut Aceh

Di Aceh, mereka mempunyai polis Islam. Sesiapa yang pakai seluar jeans akan diberi skirt labuh. Mereka telah memulakan proses untuk menegakkan undang-undang Islam. Bagaimana dengan kita yang di katakan sebuah negara ISLAM tapi tiada hukum Islam dilaksanakan.

Sumber : Kosmo

Pemakaian Neck Tie

Ko nak pegi mane? Interview??X pakai tie ke? X formal la ko camtu...Mesti ko xdpt nye kerja tu..kita kena formal..ko tgk org lain tu...semua pakai tie..ko dah kurang kat situ..sekarang dunia moden la..semua pakai tie..

Itulah kata-kata Islam Melayu hari ini...tanpa sedar...kita telah mengagungkan ape yang di tinggalkan oleh penjajah...siapa penjajah itu??? Mat Saleh...agama ape Mat Saleh....x lain x bukan Kristian yang dibayangi Yahudi laknatullah....Itulah masalah utama kita...dulu orang yang bekerjaya sahaja yang memakai tie...tapi hari ini...budak sekolah pun telah diterapkan dengan budaya memakai tie ini...siapa yang mencipta perkataan formal ini...tidak ada dalam Islam formal...formal dan kemas 2 perkataan berlainan maksudnya...Islam menganjurkan umatnya supaya kemas tapi bukan formal...tengokla gambar tie di atas...ape yang boleh kita perhatikan...perasankah anda semua satu tali yang berbentuk T...cuba anda semua tambah kepala diatasnya..kita di ajar supaya memakai lambang salib...mungkin kita rase perkara seperti ini suatu yang kesannya tersangatlaa besar di dalam kehidupan muslim...macam mana nak dapat keberkatan kalu perkara2 yang dianggap remeh ini masih ada dalam muslim...para kafir mesti tergelak je tengok kita semua...rancangan mereka berjaya...SAMA-SAMA LAH KITA MENENTANG ANASIR-ANASIR LAKNATULLAH....InsyaAllah...

Cost of doing business in Malaysia

Costs of Doing Business


Generally, all income of companies and individuals accrued in or derived from sources outside Malaysia and received in Malaysia is liable to tax. However, income remitted to Malaysia by resident companies (other than companies carrying on the business of banking, insurance, air and sea transportation), non-resident companies and non-resident individuals are exempted from tax.

From the year 2000, income tax in Malaysia is assessed on income earned in the current year.

The assessment system will be changed to a self-assessment system in stages starting 2001.
Effective from the year of assessment 2004, income remitted to Malaysia by a resident individual is exempted from tax.

Company Tax
Resident and non-resident companies 25%
Resident companies with paid-up capital of RM2.5 million (US$754,375) and less at the beginning of the basis period for a year of assesment
- on the first RM500,000 (US$150,875) chargeable income 20%
- on subsequent chargeable income 25%

Petroleum Income Tax
A person who signed Petroleum Agreement with Petronas or Malaysia-Thailand Authority and carry out petroleum operation.
"Person" includes a company, a partnership or other body of person and corporate sole.
"Petroleum operations" means searching for, winning or obtaining of petroleum in Malaysia (by drilling, mining, extracting etc), all operations incidental thereto and sale or disposal of petroleum so won or obtained, transportation within Malaysia of petroleum so won or obtained to any point of sale or export but excludes transportation outside Malaysia; refining or liquefing; dealing with products so refined or liquefied; service involving the supply and used of rigs, derricks, ocean tankers and barges.

Personal Income Tax
Resident individuals with chargeable income of RM16,667(US$5,029) and above per annum (after deduction of personal reliefs)
1% - 27%
Non-resident individuals (not entitled to any personal reliefs)

Withholding Tax
Non-resident persons

Special classes of income (use of moveable property, technical services, installation services on the supply of plant and machinery, etc.) 10%
Interest 15%
Royalty 10%
Contract payment on:
- account of contractor
- account of employee

Other income such as commission, guarantee fees, agency fees, brockerage fees, introducers fees, etc.



Source: Inland Revenue Board -

Speed test streamyx

Btul ke streamyx laju camni...

YOUTH'10 Festival

YOUTH'10 - Malaysia's largest youth festival. So what's in store for YOUTH'10? It begins with the fundamentals: How youths engage with brands, leaders, government and society. The festival has proven - that with this level of collaboration, anything can happen.

Link for free pass for Youth '10 Festival