
The participants of the GEMS programmed at the Setiu site were registered on 25th April 2009. The length of this programmed is eight and a half months. It covers two areas where the first part of two and a half months is classroom training while the second part is industrial training. Under the classroom training, the participants undergo a classroom Executive Development training which covers 15 modules such as Business English, teambuilding and achieving personal excellence.
During the industrial training, the participants will undergo the training at the selected participating organizations.
The Graduate Employability Management Scheme (GEMS) is a government capacity building initiative to equip unemployed graduates with commercially useful skills and experiences that would enhance their employment opportunities. It is part of the RM7 billion stimulus package announced by Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister, Dato’ Sri Mohd. Najib Razak to keep the country’s economy ticking. GEMS is expected to train up to 12,000 graduates over a p.m until 5.00 p.m. The participants were asked to complete the offer letter and open period of two (2) years. The objective of this programme is to reduce unemployment among graduates.This programmed held at eight different sites around Malaysia. At Setiu site, the total participants join this programme is 211, where the female participants are 164 and the male participants are 47.
saje test masuk 2 pics
pastu tulis2.....

saje nak test masuk gambar.....
harap jd.......

Earth Hour

Salam....lame nye x tulis pape....slalu bnyk je nak tulis...tp time je ade mase mesti telupe...tp mlm nie memang nak tulis jgk....mcm special jek bunyi...earth hour....kite amik masa sejam je untuk selamatkn bumi....dan nmpak nye memang xde masalah...


Salam...lamenye x tulis pape...mase banyak tp internet xde...huh...skrang nie yg bwat aku panas Israel laknatullah serang org ISLAM...saudara kite tanpa belas kasihan.budak2 mati mcm tu jek......rase cam bengang sebab xley nak bantu lansung....nak boikot skit2 bley tp mcm xde kesan jek....negara arab lg siot....xde bwat pape...sengal giler....aku hanya mampu berdoa je la...YA ALLAH...selamatkan umat ISLAM di Palestin...di Iraq...dan dimana saja di atas dunia ini...daripada kekejaman kaum yahudi dan kafir yg sentiasa mencuba untuk memusnahkan agamamu ini...Ya ALLAH...hancurkanlah org kafir....bantulah umat ISLAM....aku memohon kepada Mu ya ALLAH...Tuhan Sekelian Alam...Amin...

Accountancy Ba.Hons

Finally.....aku berjaya menghabiskan exam paper yang last untuk degree....setelah 2 taun setengah kat Uitm...aku berjaya jugak...tp result xtau lg camne...aku bertawakal jela...puas...tp kena pikir untuk mase depan plak...lepas nie aku akan masuk ke alam lain plak...camne laa agaknye alam kerje aku...mesti lg byk dugaan dan rintangan....