UMT job Vacancies

There a fews job vacancies at University Malaysia Terengganu.(Non-academics and academics)
Visit for details...close date:30 November 2009.

Websites i never missed

evryday i'm online...there are a few website that surely i will visit...first...of course facebook...before i knew that the founder of fb is israelean...i spend much time for fb especially for their applications but after just check the comments and more application or games...then...i will go to is important as many thing about islam i may not know and that site also provide solution for many problem especially life's problem...last but not least...i will go to will know latest update for any software that useful for me...


UDA Holdings Berhad , an investment and property development company located in Kuala Lumpur, offers Graduates who are still unemployed to be given various fields training and exposure in its organisation group operation. The programme information is as follows:-

Training Period:
Training period is 12 months.

Academic Qualifications:
Degree or Diploma in Accounting field, Business Administration, Economics, Marketing, Law, Information Technology, Public Relation and Mass Communication, Engineering (Public / Mechanical / Electrical), Architecture, Urban Planner, Material Measure, Project Management, Property Management, Hospitality, Library Science Or Human Resource Management.

Additional Requirement:
Applicants must be a Malaysian citizen and qualifies the following terms:-

1. Bumiputra Graduates from IPTA , IPTS or foreign institutions of higher learning.
2. Graduated between year 2005 and 2007.
3. Minimum CGPA 2.7 or its equivalent.
4. Age not more than 28 years.
5. Not Married.

For details:


Last saturday i hang out at Myddin Mall Terengganu...looks like terengganu had changed very feel likes im at k.l....u want know why...?huh...the tennagers dreesed up...likes really want go to shame as more eastern culture values in their life...maybe the government should take Acheh as role what i 2010..all people in acheh should wear proper dress up as regulated by Islam...maybe someday we will change from muslim to mukmin...mukmin to mutaqqin...insyaAllah...


Haish.....sekarang nie...xde mende lain dalam hotak....kerja....duit...dua tu jek...akhirat ntah hilang ke mane..semua nak kereta besar...rumah besar...sampai badan pun besar dek kerana makanan yang x abis-abis....dunia...dunia....salah siapa bile dunia jadi tujuan...bile dunia yang di bangga2kan...bile dunia jadi kemuncak nye...salah siape....fikir-fikirkan la....